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More Money Pours into Wash. Food Labeling Fight

Associated Press

Biotechnology giant Monsanto Co. on Monday dumped another $540,000 to fight a Washington state ballot measure requiring genetically engineered foods be labeled.

The group opposing Initiative 522 has now raised nearly $22 million, setting a record for the most raised by an initiative campaign in state history. Food-labeling supporters have raised about $6.8 million.

Monsanto's recent donation to No on 522 brings its total to nearly $5.4 million. DuPont Pioneer and a political group set up by the Washington, D.C.-based Grocery Manufacturers Association also made hefty contributions to the campaign in recent days.

Voters on Nov. 5 will decide whether to approve I-522, which will require labels for foods that contain genetically modified ingredients. Supporters say consumers have a right to know whether foods they buy contain such ingredients. Opponents say it would cost farmers, food processors and consumers.


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