Legal marijuana grows are just getting started in Washington. But it’s the illegal ones that local, state and federal agents are searching out this month.…
Washington state’s new pot grow operations have state-required alarm systems, dozens of cameras and tall fences. But some growers said they aren’t worried…
In eastern Washington, a pair of very different guys teamed up to embark on an experiment to grow Washington’s latest agricultural crop, legal marijuana.…
Figuring out how to maximize yields on legal marijuana in Washington state will be tricky, and not every licensed farmer will survive the competition and…
Eric Cooper has a sort of "The Dude" vibe: Hawaiian shirt, leather brown sandals and a bushy silver goatee. He smoked weed for the first time when he was…
Some lawmakers in Washington state want to prevent marijuana producers from qualifying for agriculture tax breaks.A state House committee heard a bill…
The state of Washington has compiled a lengthy list of pesticides for marijuana growers to use, even though these chemicals are not officially approved…