We’re learning more about the Washington prison inmate charged with killing a female correctional officer in January. Prison disciplinary records were obtained for Byron Scherf. They show two major violations, but not for hurting others.
Scherf spent three decades in and out of Washington prisons for attacks on women. Brutal attacks where he kidnapped and raped - and in one instance - set his victim on fire. Department of Corrections records describe Scherf as possessing a “deep, sadistic dark side.”
But in prison he was almost a model inmate. According to records, Scherf got into serious trouble twice in 30 years:
- In 1982 he hung a towel and a blue coat from the bars of his cell obstructing the view of officers. That’s a major violation in prison.
- In 2001, Scherf harmed himself inside his cell. Details are redacted, but he was temporarily moved to the Special Offender Unit for mentally ill inmates.
Records also show prison officials were concerned Scherf posed a threat to female staff. He’s now accused of murdering Officer Jayme Biendl in the chapel at the prison at Monroe. At the time of the murder, Scherf was a low-risk, medium security inmate.