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Smoking landing gear and other problems today at Sea-Tac

Problems with two planes and a suspicious bag kept emergency crews busy Tuesday at Sea-Tac Airport.

Spokesman Perry Cooper says there were no injuries or serious damage.

Cooper says United Flight 635 from Chicago's O'Hare Airport had a problem with brakes on landing at 10:24 a.m. The Boeing 767 left some debris and hydraulic fluid on a runway. A fire truck watered down the smoking landing gear on a taxiway.

Cooper says Alaska Airline Flight 865 that took off for Kona, Hawaii, returned and landed at 12:12 p.m. because of a generator problem. Fire trucks were standing by because of the fuel on board.

And, Cooper says, part of the Sea-Tac baggage claim area was shut down for about 15 minutes while police determined an unattended bag was safe.

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