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Sherman Alexie's book banned from highschool in Richland

The Richland School Board, taking into consideration mixed recommendations from the district's Instructional Materials Committee, voted to remove "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie from highschool reading lists.

The Tri-City Herald reportsthat the Richland School Board voted 3-2 last week to prohibit use of the book in classrooms of any grade level.

The book had been piloted in a ninth-grade English class last fall and then was reviewed by the district's Instructional Materials Committee.

The original question before the board was whether to use Absolutely True in freshman classes. But the final vote took it away from all students.

(Correction: In an earlier version of this story, the Associated Press erroneously reported the district's Instructional Materials Committee had not read Sherman Alexie's book, and that the committee decided to ban the book because of profanity and sex scenes. The committee had read the book and did not give a single recommendation, but was divided on the book.)


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