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Old Port Townsend hotels known for ghosts

Guests and visitors to the Palace Hotel in Port Townsend, WA have claimed to either see or sense the presence of "The Blue Lady" since the 1960s.
Guests and visitors to the Palace Hotel in Port Townsend, WA have claimed to either see or sense the presence of "The Blue Lady" since the 1960s.

PORT TOWNSEND, Wash. — A couple of historic hotels in Port Townsend may give visitors more than a pleasant night's sleep.

The Peninsula Daily News reports some guests say they are haunted by ghosts.

The Blue Lady reportedly haunts the Palace Hotel. Some people believe she worked in the building in the 1920s when it was a brothel.

Another hotel more than a century old, Manresa Castle, is reportedly haunted by a woman who jumped to her death and a monk who hanged himself.

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