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No Regrets: Sound Effect, Episode 64

Andy Spearing
Stories of people who regret nothing, this week on Sound Effect.

This week Sound Effect brings us stories of people who have gone through trials and tribulations, and maybe have made a few mistakes, but have no regrets.


On Sunday, December 27, the team formerly known as the St. Louis Rams defeated the Seattle Seahawks 23-17, in a game that was especially memorable for an unusual penalty: Rams punter Johnny Hekker, originally from Bothell, made a blindside hit on defensive end Cliff Avril. When the Legion of Boom moved to retaliate, Hekker wisely curled up into a ball. Hekker joins Gabriel Spitzer to explain why, even though he’s embarrassed by the incident, he has no regrets.

Marauders Map

As a company, Facebook makes a big deal about embracing “hacker culture.” So when incoming Facebook intern Aran Khanna wrote up a piece of software highlighting a privacy issue in Facebook’s messaging platform, he figured the company would pat him on the back. Instead they rescinded their internship offer. Khanna tells Gabriel Spitzer why he’s actually glad the whole heartbreaking ordeal went down the way it did.

A Stinky Whale Tale

City elders in Long Beach, Wash. were casting about at one point for something to do to observe the bicentennial of Lewis and Clark’s journey. They decided to dig up a dead whale. Natural historian Jim Sayce explained how that idea quickly became a bit of a civic boondoggle, of which he nevertheless remains quite proud.

Tie My Tubes

Brieana Ripley is 23 years old, and she would like to have her tubes tied. And yet none of the dozen or so health care professionals she has approached has been willing to do it. Ripley is producing a radio documentary about the science and the politics that surround young women’s ability to make permanent decisions about their reproductive futures.


Imagine getting a terminal diagnosis, and learning that your life expectancy is somewhere between 1 to 20 years. Bob Dickerson confronted that uncertainty with resolve: He decided to quit his job and live in a way that would ensure he’d die with no regrets. He dedicated the balance of his life to helping impoverished children across the world, through the grassroots group RESULTS. His brother Willie shares his story.

‘No Regerts’

The Seattle indie rock band Chastity Belt has "no regerts." Or at least, that’s the name of their 2013 debut album. They joined Sound Effect’s Kevin Kniestedt live in KPLU’s studio to serenade us with a couple of tunes and talk about why they stand behind even the intentionally misspelled tattoo that was the album’s namesake. 

Gabriel Spitzer is a former KNKX reporter, producer and host who covered science and health and worked on the show Sound Effect.