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Oregon Man Gets 30 Years In Christmas Bomb Plot

AP Photo/Mauthnomah County Sheriff's Office
A Nov. 27, 2010 file photo provided by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office shows Mohamed Mohamud.

An Oregon man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for plotting to bomb a crowded holiday event in Portland's town square in 2010.

Mohamed Mohamud was sentenced Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Portland in the plot that actually was an FBI sting.

Agents posing as al-Qaida recruiters supplied the fake car bomb that the former Oregon State University student tried to set off at an annual Christmas tree-lighting ceremony.

Agents targeted Mohamud after the then-teenager wrote for an online jihadi magazine.

Mohamud's lawyers contend he was the victim of entrapment, a defense rejected at a trial last year.

The sentencing was pushed back after the government disclosed that warrantless overseas wiretaps helped make its case. The defense unsuccessfully sought a new trial.

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