Who could possibly get all huffy about steak knives? Nancy Leson's sister Sherry, that's who.
When Nance told me how honked off Sherry was about them, I had to call her in Philadelphia for confirmation. Sherry turned out to be a woman of strong—though strange—convictions.
"I say, if you present me with a steak that cannot be cut with a butter knife, do not give it to me. I don't even own a steak knife,” she said.
I suggested to Nancy that her sister had probably never come in second in a sales contest..
I don't really have strong feelings about steak knives. DeGroot and I have been very happy with ours and always share it without squabbling.
I've never spent much money on knives but I was recently seduced by a Kickstarter campaign for the Cook Sharp Misen (for “mise en place”). It looks like a terrific deal for my $65 contribution and I'm looking forward to getting mine sometime this March. I'll file a full report when I do.
"The difference between the $5 steak and the $20 steak is the steak knife." -- My Mom