Nancy and her colleagues at the Seattle Times must have had a ball testing the 14 holiday recipes they got from Seattle chefs. If Times photographer Ken Lambert's beautiful shots hadn't already made me psychotically hungr, the names of the dishes alone would have blasted my appetite into low earth orbit.
For instance, consider: Roast Pork Belly and Southern Grits with Shrimpy Goodness from the Ronspies Bros of Art of the Table and Le Petite Chochon. Sure, they had me at "roast pork belly" but that "shrimpy goodness" really put me over the top.
There's a sturgeon recipe, too, from Fremont's RockCreek chef Eric Donnelly. I still have one piece of that sturgeon I caught left in the freezer, and I think that's what I'm going to do with it.
Embarrassment bonus: In this episode, I learn that I've been mispronouncing "rabe" for a very long time now.
" what you like and let the food fight it out inside."
– Mark Twain