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  • Live Music: Classical
  • Theater: Music
  • Theater: Musicals

Julius Caesar

  • Live Music: Classical
  • Theater: Music
  • Theater: Musicals

Julius Caesar

PLU Opera presents Julius Caesar by G. F. Handel. Legends collide in Handel's operatic masterpiece. The love story of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar is fraught with murder and political intrigue. Performed with chamber orchestra in Italian with English supertitles. Conducted by Jim Brown and stage directed by Barry Johnson. The concert will be livestreamed via the following link: SOAC Webcast The School of Arts and Communication guidelines for all performances open to external audiences: Proof of COVID-19 vaccination (or proof of negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours of the start time) prior to entry into the performance venue. Those younger than 12 are excluded from this policy. Mask wearing for the audience throughout the entire performance. PLU community members (those with a PLU ID) are exempt from showing additional proof of vaccination status, since these have already been submitted and reviewed.

Eastvold Auditorium in Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
07:30 PM - 09:30 PM, every day through Jan 29, 2022.

Event Supported By

PLU Department of Music
Eastvold Auditorium in Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
12180 Park Ave S
Tacoma, Washington 98447