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Be a champion for KNKX Public Radio!

It’s almost time for GiveBIG! This state-wide charitable event, dedicated to supporting the causes you care about, is coming up on May 5 and 6. This year, KNKX is looking for advocates to represent the important cause of public radio. You can get the word out about how much KNKX means to you and your community, and help ensure funding for this vital resource, by creating your own FUNdraise, peer-to-peer campaign. 

This is a meaningful and impactful way to support the public radio you’re depending on, particularly if you are already a member OR aren’t in a position to give a monetary gift at this time.  

More information about creating your own FUNdraising page can be found here.  The kind folks at GiveBIG have also provided this handy toolkit and FAQ.  The deadline to set up a FUNdraise page is May 4.

To get started right away, just follow Step 1 from GiveBIG’s FUNdraising guide, and create your GiveBIG donor account. You can select KNKX as your organization by going directly to our page and clicking the FUNDRAISE button. 


Right now, listeners all over our region are turning to KNKX as a source of accurate national and local news coverage about the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever before, the health and safety of the public depends on an informed community. KNKX offers that service, free-of-charge.


During this stressful time, KNKX is here to be a place of comfort and entertainment with jazz, blues, and the friendly voices of our hosts, offering connection despite the limitations of physical distancing. You can also curate a concert in your own home using our extensive selection of Studio Sessions.


Through recent podcasts Transmission and Outsiders, KNKX addresses issues that are deeply impacting our communities, the COVID-19 pandemic and homelessness, respectively. By approaching each episode through a storytelling lens, you gain understanding and perspective on complicated topics.  


As many in our region seek the most up-to-date information on the novel coronavirus and look for ways to cope and connect amidst the changes and new limitations placed on our daily lives, KNKX is here to help with the frequently refreshedResourceand Communitypages.

Most of all, KNKX is committed to being here for the community through this difficult time, serving the public the way “public radio” is designed to do, with trusted information, vibrant culture, and a place around which friends, family and community can connect.  

If you need some more inspiration on how to share the value of KNKX with your networks, check out these sample messages.

Questions?  Contact Sarah McAtee at