If the federal government shutdown doesn’t end soon, some of Washington’s biggest employers will be forced to lay off workers, Gov. Jay Inslee said at a news conference on Sunday.
The governor said he’s particularly worried about defense contractors and the state’s aerospace industry.
“Those with direct government contracts are extremely concerned about a standstill. Furloughs are imminent. Certification projects with the FAA are at a standstill. This will directly affect revenues, disrupt sales, slow down or stop procurement of materials from suppliers and stop any plans to expand,” he said.
Inslee said veterans are having trouble getting services from state agencies that receive federal money. And soon, he said, the state will have difficulty processing unemployment claims for residents.
“The operations of the federal government are pivotal to the great businesses of my state. They can’t do their business if the House of Representatives doesn’t do theirs," he said.
Inslee, who served seven terms in Congress before becoming governor, said the votes exist in the House to get the government moving again. He and the state’s Democratic members of Congress say the problem is that House Speaker John Boehner refuses to allow a vote.
Meanwhile, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers from eastern Washington issued a statement on Friday blaming Democrats for the shutdown. The Republican said Senate Democrats refuse to negotiate with the GOP.