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Former Wash. State Sen. Berkey Dies at Age 74

Louie Balukoff
Associated Press

Former Washington state Sen. Jean Berkey has died at the age of 74.

Donald Berkey said Tuesday that his wife passed away on August 21 at their home near Deception Pass following a brief illness. Jean Berkey served a decade in the Legislature before losing in a 2010 primary election.

Berkey was born August 22, 1938 in Loma Linda, Calif. She moved to the Everett area as a young girl and eventually received a business degree from the University of Washington.

Democratic Sen. Steve Hobbs of Lake Stevens said in a statement that Berkey was an advocate for seniors, open government, affordable health care and education. He said she was a moderate who helped provide an effective voice of reason in what can be an overly partisan environment.

A public memorial service will be held for Berkey on September 14 at Everett Station.


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