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Camera Captures Birth of Baby Seal at Elliott Bay Marina

Elliott Bay Marina Harbormaster Brian Kaloper was walking to his office on Monday when he noticed something unusual on the G Dock: a harbor seal.

“It's kind of abnormal, because it’s a heavily walked dock,” said Kaloper.

Inside his office, Kaloper pulled up the surveillance camera aimed at the dock to take a closer look at the seal.

“And the next thing I know, there’s a head coming out the other end!” he said.

The visiting seal, it turned out, was giving birth, to Kaloper and his co-workers’ surprise.

“There were quite a few of us who had been here a long time … and we’d never seen anything like this. So it was pretty special,” he said.

The mother and her seal pup stayed on the dock for several hours before jumping in for a swim, said Kaloper.

Workers spotted the pair in the water on Tuesday, he said, and they appeared to be just fine.